“No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it.”
-Albert Einstein
Evaluating the concept of consciousness becomes increasingly complex the further one sinks their teeth into the subject. According to the Oxford Dictionary, “consciousness” is “the state of being awake and aware of one’s surroundings.”1 When discussing consciousness, it is imperative to acknowledge the existence of numerous levels within it. On the surface area, there is bodily consciousness, spiritual consciousness, the subconscious, and the unconscious.2 When one digs deeper, one will find seven additional levels of consciousness: survival, relationships, self-esteem, transformation, internal cohesion, making a difference, and service.3
Within the first three levels of consciousness lie limitations that can prevent one from transcending into a state of higher awareness. Survival as the first level brings the potential for an inclination for control, manipulation, and greed which can all hinder growth. On the relationship level, an incessant need for approval, blame, jealousy, and a desire for revenge will prohibit moving upward. Finally, the level of self-esteem brings vanity, pridefulness, a feeling of superiority, and judgment towards others.3 These energies need to be addressed to raise conscious vibration.
The attributes of the upper four levels are incredible and beneficial. Level four, transformation, ensures one can confidently hope to experience newfound freedom and autonomy like never before, and personal growth that will help them flourish in having accountability and increased bravery. The internal cohesion level will bring enhanced appreciation and desire for honesty and trust that invites a new idea of authenticity, creativity, meaning, and internal alignment with the self. Existential growth cannot happen without group work. Making a difference invites collaboration, empathy for others, strengthening intuition, and partnership and alliances. The final level, service, invoke feelings of compassion, willingness to forgive, valued contribution, and respect and honor for future generations.3
Which of these levels do you think you fall into?
One must also purposefully work towards activating the subconscious mind when attempting to alter their state of awareness. The difference between the conscious and subconscious minds is how the information being conceived from the Universe is processed. Think of it this way: the subconscious plays in the background while the conscious does the heavy lifting. The subconscious concerns morals, values, motivation, willpower, and intuition.4 Practice activating the subconscious mind through daily meditation, recognizing one’s biases, connecting with nature, being honest with oneself and others, setting purposeful intentions and acting on them.5
These things can be immensely challenging to conquer, such as recognizing bias. It takes much deliberation and practice to become aware of one’s faults, especially in the midst of them occurring. For example, one might find themselves having judgment towards a particular group of people. Acknowledging that they have this bias and being aware of these thoughts when they occur will decrease judgment toward the population.
What is a bias that you might have? Are you willing to do what is necessary to release it?
When analyzing thoughts and behaviors, it is essential to remain neutral. No one is “bad” for having specific thoughts, and no view is negative or positive. There is only neutrality and existence. Accept that the thought occurred, take proactive actions to change it, and move on. Over time, the thoughts and beliefs will seemingly disappear. This practice will help relieve the limitations on the second and third levels of consciousness and make one more subconsciously aware.
Connection within oneself is increasingly vital. With technology hindering and aiding relationships with others, it has never been more essential to engage in self-care, growth, and acceptance of oneself. The more human beings can come together and connect with a sense of oneness, the happier and more fulfilled they’ll be.
The highest version of oneself can contact the present existence of themselves. If someone isn’t sure whether they’re ready to take on the journey of enlightenment, there are numerous ways they can dictate whether their Highest Self is trying to communicate with them. First, seeing angel numbers (111, 222, 333, etc.) is a sign that the transcended existence of themselves is reaching out. This is especially true if the person is becoming increasingly aware of self-talk, experiencing vivid dreams, witnessing manifestations come to fruition, and feeling abundant love and compassion.6 When the highest version of oneself attempts communication, it is a sign to act and complete frequency (conscious) raising activities, such as those spoken about previously.
Have you experienced any of these signs? In what way is your Highest Self communicating with you?
As mentioned before, setting intentions is an immensely powerful, if not the most important, practice for enhancing consciousness. When developing a will for something to happen, in other words, manifesting, it is essential to visualize. Visualization should be incredibly detailed. Examples of this could look like: creating a vision board, drawing the scenario, writing it down, or envisioning it in the mind. The vital aspect of this is being as descriptive as possible. Include dates, places, people, the how, the why, and the emotions and experiences of being in that moment. Whatever the method of visualization, portray it in a way as if it has already happened.
EXAMPLE: It is August 20, 2023. I am at work and just got called into the office to talk with my boss. He is acknowledging all the hard work I’ve been doing and is giving me a 10% raise! This will help my family save for a vacation, and I’ll be able to do Christmas this year. They are all going to be so excited. I am so thrilled. We should go out to dinner tonight to celebrate.
What method of visualization are you going to use?
Various extraordinary events occur once a higher level of consciousness is achieved. Inspiration to make significant life changes will happen; one will have acquired the necessary awareness to follow through on intentional manifestations with purposeful actions. Additionally, one will begin to “hear or see words and images,” as explained by Ph.D. holder Mario Canki.7 The inner wisdom of oneself is an intricate and eclectic concept.
During meditation and seemingly mundane life processes, the unseen knowledge of the Highest Self and the Universe is prevalent and consistent, and an enhanced level of consciousness allows access to this information and modality of communication. Finally, brain waves shift into a more relaxed state of being, causing the host of consciousness to be more at peace. The average brain processes of ordinary consciousness activate beta waves – the brain wave activity that occurs during talking, walking, and other everyday tasks. In contrast, an altered state of consciousness initiates alpha waves – the brain waves associated with peace, relaxation, and observation, especially of one’s thoughts.7
Lastly, those that have experienced a high level of consciousness have “spoken of coming in contact with divine love.”2 Becoming one with the Universe has an incredible way of altering the brain, psyche, and physiological processes (through decreased cortisol levels) in such a way that it influences humans to be more loving, and to receive love more willingly. It makes them more accepting, so they ride the waves of life while maintaining a state of tranquility because they are sure of their place in the Universe. These are all attainable and within reach so long as the person seeking enhanced awareness of one’s consciousness sets the intention to receive it and forges a path forward with meaningful actions to achieve it.
What is one thing you will start TODAY to enhance your level of consciousness?
References and Citations
Simpson, John., Weiner, Edmund. Oxford Dictionary, 2022, https://www.oed.com
Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj. “How to Attain Spiritual Consciousness,” SOS, 2022, https://www.sos.org/articles/benefits-of-a-spiritual-guide/how-to-attain-spiritual-consciousness
Barrett, Richard. “Levels of Consciousness,” Barrett Academy, https://www.barrettacademy.com/levels-of-consciousness
Nagaraj, Vaishnavi. “10 Ways To Activate Your Subconscious Mind To Get What You Want,” First Cry Parenting, 2019, https://parenting.firstcry.com/articles/magazine-10-ways-to-activate-your-subconscious-mind-to-get-what-you-want/
“How to Raise Your Consciousness: 20 ways to become more conscious,” The Mindful Word, 2012, https://www.themindfulword.org/2012/how-to-raise-your-consciousness/
“11 Signs Your Higher Self is Trying to Contact You,” Power of Positivity, 2022, https://www.powerofpositivity.com/11-signs-higher-self-trying-contact/
Ph.D., Canki, Mario. “4 Amazing Things That Happen When You Connect With Your Higher Self During Meditation,” Higher Self Yoga, 2020, https://higherselfyoga.org/connect-higher-self-meditation
Einstein, Albert. “Consciousness Quotes,” BrainyQuote, 2001, https://www.brainyquote.com/topics/consciousness-quotes
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What is sacred geometry?
The Oxford dictionary defines geometry as the branch of mathematics concerned with the properties and relations of points, lines, surfaces, solids, and higher dimensional analogs.1 In simple terms, it is a sub-topic of mathematics that focuses on the connections between shapes and how they sit in spaces.